Visser Watches
Visser Watches
The Visser watch brand was born from years of experience, building the highest quality fishing reels in the world. Robert Koelewyn created the Van Staal brand in the early 1990, build the company into a major brand in less than 10 years. Zebco acquired Van Staal in 2001 and took the brand to an exciting next level now known as an worldwide quality brand .These uniquely designed reels quickly gained an early strong following with the sport Surf fishermen.
The early reels were hand build by Rob in his Aerospace manufacturing machine shop. This hard earned experience created the unique capability we have today, in allowing us to offer a very unique and distinctive watch. Rob designed the watch with references to fly reel design, and wanted to address the sport fishermen's desires for a beautiful time piece to which they can directly relate.
He then used his mechanical design mastery to create a time piece that is in the subtle likeness of the sport, but wanted to make sure that the design would attract a broad base of other customers as well. the name VISSER was chosen because the family name "Koelewyn", with its origins in the Dutch Fishing village Spakenburg, Holland, has a rich tradition in the commercial fishing industry. The fishing boats which were used during the 18th and 19th century were called "Botters", wooden fishing boat that used only sails. "VISSER" in the Dutch language means fisherman or Angler, so we found that very appropriate as our brand name.