Donation Requests
The donation and sponsorship request process for TackleDirect is dedicated to providing support for activities and organizations that promote fishing, especially as it relates to encouraging youth and growing the sport. We receive thousands of requests every year and due to this, we accept only online applications. Please review the process below:
We receive thousands of requests every year and due to this, we accept only online applications. Please review the process below:
- Our resources are limited, so we focus our efforts on fishing related programs that encourage youth participation, fishing related conservation causes, Veteran fishing events, activities that teach people all aspects of fishing, and other fishing related programs.
- Organizations registered as a 501c3 will be given special consideration.
- All submissions must be a minimum of 90 days prior to the deadline or start of the event. Submissions with less than 90 days’ notice will not be considered.
- No email, fax, phone or other form of request will be considered.
- An automated email will be sent upon receipt of your online request. This will be the only form of communication unless your request is approved or more information is needed.
Support will not be provided for:
- Individuals, private pursuits, political parties/associations, representatives of advocacy groups
- Organizations that oppose the company’s position on issues
- Individual athlete or team sponsorship
- Marketing and advertising purpose
- Private or family foundations
- Events that charge for participation