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Shrimping Weakfish

Shrimping Weakfish

Posted by Nick Honachefsky on Oct 10th 2017

Grass shrimping for weakfish is an old school but effective tactic, and done right, reigns supreme to catch autumn weakfish that are pushing int
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Night Shift Weakies

Night Shift Weakies

Posted by Nick Honachefsky on Jun 7th 2017

Anglers operating under the guise of darkness are intercepting the silent ghosts of the Jersey area waters – weakfish. Its pot luck whether you
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Spring's Whopper Weakfish

Spring's Whopper Weakfish

Posted by Nick Honachefsky on May 4th 2017

Want to get dialed in on the spring Weakfish run that takes place each May in New Jersey and New York? This week, Nick shares a few tips towards
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Soft Plastics for the North

Soft Plastics for the North

Posted by Nick Honachefsky on Jan 12th 2017

Like Nick's tips for soft plastics in the south? Here is a follow up with suggestions and techniques geared towards the northeast. We covered
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